
My family recounts evenings of me as a 5-year-old sprawled over a newspaper in our Bay Area home sounding out complex words.

I didn’t know I was destined to become a journalist 20 years later.

Before I joined the ranks of the publishing world, I spent two years in Brazil learning more about life, people and myself. There I learned more than any book could ever convey.

College came after I grasped the Portuguese of my beloved Brazil. I developed that ability into an affinity for learning and speaking Romance languages. I’ll always have a special place in my heart for Brazilian Portuguese, but Spanish is so useful for communication.

So I became a Journalist, intent on Changing The World. My mission. My plan to teach — with words.

Life carried me to a new adventure. Marketing — from a large city in Central California. I wore many hats and developed my story telling ability to persuade and convince people with needs to choose a particular item.

Then everything changed. I didn’t want to help enrich the entrepreneurs and the already business minded. I wanted to return to teaching. I worked and obtained my teaching credential and entered the world of elementary education in 2014. I haven’t looked back since.